Saturday, November 28
Read Micah 3
Think About It:
- Why was Micah qualified to speak to Israel concerning their sin? (verse 8)
- This message is directed toward the prophets and priests and all leaders of Israel. In verse 11 what was their motives in leading Israel?
- Read James 3:1. What does James say about being a leader today?
Family Time:
- Micah proclaims he is “full of power by the Spirit of the LORD” and rightly so as he was close to the LORD and was walking with the LORD. Can you confidently say that you are full of power by the Spirit of the LORD?
- The rulers of Jerusalem claim, “Is not the LORD among us? No harm can come upon us.” Yet if you read in the previous verses, their sins were many and purposeful.
It didn’t matter what the rulers SAID because it was them that the LORD was ready to judge. We can’t give lip service (just say we love the LORD but not follow him) to the LORD for he sees all our thoughts and ways. Since the LORD knows every detail of our life, we need to be honest with him.
As a family, talk about some of the sins that you are dealing with individually or even things your family may practice that may not be pleasing to the LORD.