Saturday, July 31
Read Colossians 4
Think About It:
It is not enough simply to walk wisely and carefully before unbelievers. We must also talk with them and share the gospel message with them. But we must take care that our speech is controlled by grace, so that it points to Christ and glorifies the Lord. This means we must have grace in our hearts. For it is from the heart that the mouth speaks. With grace in our hearts and on our lips, we will be faithful witnesses and not judges or prosecuting attorneys!
The Lord Jesus Christ spoke with grace on His lips. “And all…. Wondered at the gracious words which preceded out of His mouth” (Luke 4:22). Among the many statements about Jesus Christ, Psalms 45:2 says: “Grace is poured into my lips”. Even when our Lord was dealing with sin, he spoke words of grace.
We must put the salt into our speech to make sure it is pure and properly seasoned. “Let no corrupt communication precede out of your mouth” (Ephesians 4:29). Praying, proclaiming the Word, witnessing, and sharing burdens are wonderful ministries of speech. How much better is it to be involved in these ministries than to be using our tongues for gossip, malicious criticism, and other sinful purposes? Let’s make David’s prayer our prayer: “Set watch, oh Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3).
Family Time:
- What aspects of prayer did Paul mention? (verse 2)
- What pointers did Paul give regarding our conduct toward the unsaved? (verses 5-6)