Tuesday, June 8
Read I Corinthians 3
Think About It:
Paul writes to the believers about their maturity level and how that limits them from growing in Truth. When we refuse to “grow up in Christ” and insist on listening to our flesh, instead of to God’s Spirit, we cannot get closer to God. Comparing our lives with others and arguing about things in the Church are both tactics of the enemy to stop the advancement of God’s kingdom. But when we stay focused on Jesus and are led by His Spirit and continue walking in the way He demonstrated for us (a life of prayer, fasting and giving), we become that “living sacrifice” that pleases God and brings glory to His name. Cautiously guarding our hearts and keeping our lives pure as the Temple of His Holy Spirit will lead to personal victory and true wisdom from above. Verses 8-9 say we are all co-workers in God’s vineyard, and verses 8 and 14 tell us we will be rewarded for our faithfulness to God. I like verses 19-20, “The cleverness of the know-it-alls becomes the trap that ensnares them.” And “The LORD sees right through the clever reasonings of the wise and knows that it’s all a sham.” That’s why we don’t lean on our own understanding. Our wisdom is foolishness to God. Trust in the wisdom He gives you and listen for the voice of His Spirit leading. Give God your full attention and ask Him to show you how to grow closer to Him, then stay in conversation with Him as long as possible throughout your day.
Family Time:
- How much influence do your desires have on your life? Your goals should be to let God’s desires be yours. Being controlled by your own desires will stunt your growth in the Lord. (verses 1-3)
- If you plant the seed and someone else waters it, who makes it grow? We shouldn’t be jealous; we should be thankful to God. (verse 5)
- What does it mean to you that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit lives inside of you? (verse 16)