Saturday, May 8
Read Acts 21
Think About It:
Now we must pause to consider whether Paul was right or wrong in making the trip to Jerusalem. If it seems improper, or even blasphemous, to examine the actions of an apostle, keep in mind that he was a human being like anyone else. His apostles were inspired, but this does not necessarily mean that everything he did was perfect. Whether he was right or wrong, we certainly can learn from his experience.
On the con side, these repeated messages do sound like warnings to Paul to stay out of Jerusalem. For that matter, over 20 years before, the Lord had commanded Paul to get out of Jerusalem because the Jews would not receive his testimony. Paul had already written to the Romans about the dangers in Judea (Acts 15:30-31), and he had shared the same feelings with the elders of Ephesus (Acts 20:22-23), so he was fully aware of the problems involved.
On the pro side, the prophetic utterances can be taken as warnings (“Get Ready!”) rather than as prohibitions (“You must not go!”). Agabus did not forbid Paul to go to Jerusalem; he only told them what to expect if he did go. As for the Lord’s command in Acts 22:18, it applied to that particular time and need not to be interpreted as a prohibition governing the rest of Paul’s life. While it is true that Paul avoided Jerusalem, it is also true that he returned there on other occasions: with famine relief (Acts 11:27-30), to attend the Jerusalem conference (Acts 15:1); and after his second missionary journey (Acts 18:22).
Instead of accusing Paul of compromise, we ought to applaud him for his courage. Why? Because in going to Jerusalem he took his life in his hands in order to try to solve the most pressing problem in the church: the growing division between the “far right” legalistic Jews and the believing Gentiles. Ever since the Jerusalem conference, trouble had been brewing, and the legalists had been following Paul seeking to capture his converts. It was a serious situation, and Paul knew that he was part of the answer as well as part of a problem. But he could not solve the problem by remote control through representatives; he had to go to Jerusalem personally.
Family Time:
- Paul knew he would be imprisoned in Jerusalem. Although his friends begged him not go to there, he knew that he had to because God wanted him to go. No one enjoys pain but a faithful disciple wants above all else to please God. Our desire to please God should overshadow our desire to avoid hardships and suffering. Then we can say like Paul, “the Lord’s will be done.” (verses 13-14)