Tuesday, September 15
Read Ezekiel 24
Think About It:
- This chapter begins with a parable. Jerusalem is the cooking pot and the people are the pieces of meat. This parable is a description of the siege on Jerusalem.
- God also uses the death of Ezekiel’s wife as a picture of what would happen to the temple. The temple had become an idol instead of a place where the people worshipped God. God allows the temple to be destroyed because of this.
- The siege on Israel had to happen as judgment for the horrific sin and idol worship that was occurring in Israel. They had to pay for their sin. Today, because Jesus died on the cross for our sin, we only have to repent (an action word meaning to turn from wickedness), and we are forgiven. Thank and praise God for this!
Family Time:
- According to verses 13-14, why were God’s people being judged?
- How can you be cleansed from sin? (See 1 John 1:7 & 1:9)