Thursday, September 10
Read Ezekiel 20
Think About It:
God’s message is consistent: the rebellious forfeit their access to God’s promises (Promised Land) and the faithful ones who obey God will experience God’s mercy, love and fulfilled promises…in ages past and in current times. Ezekiel tells the elders that the people of Israel are responsible for the troubles and judgments they have experienced. In God’s mercy, He tells each generation what is required to receive the benefits He offers. Ezekiel’s frustration with the people who will not listen grows as he speaks the words the LORD gave him to speak.
It is so easy to get discouraged when we look at people, but we must always keep our eyes on God. He always promises to reward the faithful. I think this chapter is a great reminder to honestly look into our hearts and to make sure we are not trying to “serve God” while holding on to any “idols” (feel good activities) this world offers. God wants all of us, 100% of our devotion turned toward Him alone. Beware of trying to keep God pleased while pursuing sinful “pleasures” this world offers. We cannot hide our actions from Him, so let’s be honest with God and with ourselves to avoid deception. As we analyze our heart, each day, let’s consider how much time and attention we spend serving God, worshiping Him, praying, reading His Word and listening for His voice in comparison to the time spent doing other things. Are there things God puts His finger on that need to be removed from your life or ways to simplify your schedule to get alone with Him more to balance things better? A good way to check the balance is to watch where your thoughts turn. If negative thoughts arise, we know we need more time in His Word. Speak it out loud as you read it, for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Your faith will increase as you hear yourself speak God’s Word!
Family Time:
- Why is God angry with the elders?
- What does worship of idols bring?
- What one miracle, in the wilderness, should have shown them of God’s special care for them? Is there a time in your life where you had something happen that showed you the special care of God?