Friday, August 7
Read Jeremiah 48
Think About It:
- In the series of judgments of nations surrounding Judah, Jeremiah now turned his attention to Israel’s neighbor to the east, on the other side of the Jordan. The ancestor of Moabcame from the incestuous pairing of Lot and his daughter (Genesis 19:37). What do you remember about Moab from previous readings? Couple hints: Numbers 22:5-8; 1 Samuel 22:3-4;
- Moab was wealthy and self-reliant. They had become complacent. Their scent or taste had remained the same. If we are not emptiedout from time to time we never grow, and our scent does not change. God promised to send wine-workers to Moab who would tip him over and empty his vessels. For Moab this was a demonstration of God’s judgment and anger. For the believer under the new covenant, it is a demonstration of God’s goodness and compassion. Have you become stagnate in your faith? Do you need to be tipped over, emptied and filled with new wine?
Family Time:
- In verses 7 and 42, God explains some reasons why Moab will be destroyed.
- Who else exalts himself against the Lord?
- Remember that God is slow to anger not wanting any to perish.