Friday, July 10
Read Jeremiah 23
Think About It:
- The flock of Jeremiah’s day was indeed scattered. Some were carried away to Babylon and other nations as captives, and others went as refugees to Egypt. This could all be traced back to ungodly and poor leaders of the people of God. These false prophets and evil leaders will be held accountable by God’s judgment. How important is it to God that spiritual leaders feed His people? (See John 21:15-17)
- In verses 3-4, God promises to gatherIsrael back into the Promised Land. It wasn’t until May 14, 1948, that Israel became a nation. Not only would God bring them back into His Promised Land, they would also be blessed there. Their population would grow rapidly. Israel is the nation to watch for the fulfillment of prophecy given 2,500 years ago. What is happening in Israel today?
- In verse 6, Jesus is the “Lord Our Righteousness” (Jehovah Tsidkenu). The work of Jesus in His people is not only to clean the stain of sin. The perfect obedience and righteousness of Jesus is oursin Him. “It speaks of one who will not only reflect the righteousness of God but will convey it to His people, making it their own possession.” (Kidner)
Family Time:
- Upon whom is woe pronounced? (verses 1-2)
- What will the LORD raise up in the days to come? (verses 5-6)
- To what is God’s Word compared? (verse 29)
- How did the prophets cause God’s people to err? (verse 32)