Saturday, May 16
Read Isaiah 38-39
Think About It:
- What would you do if God told you that you were going to die? Could you pray boldly and ask for healing as Hezekiah did?
- What was the sign God gave Hezekiah that He would do what He said?
- In chapter 39, what was Hezekiah’s sin in showing his riches to visitors from Babylon?
Family Time:
See also 2 Kings 2: 1-19 & 2 Chronicles 32:24-31.
- When Hezekiah received a word that he would die, he sought the LORD to “remember” him and wept. God, in His goodness and faithfulness, responds to Hezekiah’s prayer by adding 15 years to his life and gives him a sign. What was the sign?
- Hezekiah responds to God’s mercy with a poem of praise. How do you respond to answered prayers?
- In Isaiah 39, Hezekiah unfortunately fails. Instead of keeping his eyes on God, he becomes lifted up in his own eyes. As a result, he wants to impress the King of Babylon by showing off the kingdom’s treasures. The result of his pride was a future plundering and captivity for God’s people.
- It is important to keep our eyes on Jesus. If we don’t, we won’t see Him or ourselves rightly. If we do keep our eyes on Him, we will be changed from glory to glory.