Friday, May 1
Read Isaiah 23
Think About It:
Tyre was a mixed bag for Israel. King Hiram of Tyre supplied David and Solomon great timbers for the building of the temple and other projects. Hiram gave Solomon sailors so Israel could build their commerce by sea. But later, Tyre gave Israel one of the worst rulers Israel ever had: Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab of Israel.
- God should be our first resource when searching for help. But we must be discerning as to what kind of help we get from the world. God has blessed the world around us with knowledge, discoveries and technologies that can be helpful to us. In getting help from the world, what kinds of care or precautions do we need to take?
- Because of its great success, Tyre had become proud and full of self-glory. But the LORD of hosts has purposed to judge and humble Tyre, and Isaiah announces it. “Pride, pride, pride, is that basic sin to which God is ever opposed, and man is ever expressing” (Jennings). In light of this truth, we need to examine our own lives. Are there any areas in your life where pride has separated you from God?
Family Time:
- We forget that God can raise up and bring low. We also forget that God can restore. Just like Samson whom God used even after he was brought low, Tyre was brought low, but raised up one last time (like Samson) for His purpose and glory. (All Tyre’s money would now be given to God.)
- Is there pride you need to repent of?
- Does positions of importance have a draw for you?
- Are you upset if you are not the center of attention? Remember that, “pride comes before the fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)
- Purpose to be obedient and stay humble so that you may be under God’s blessing!