Thursday, January 23
Read Psalm 119:57-72
Think About It:
- Take some time to think about your ways (as David does in verse 59). Are you avoiding all the things God would have you avoid? Similarly, are you doing all the things God would have you do? It is easy to second guess the hard commandments in Scripture or to think we’re not interpreting them correctly. Does thinking about these things lead you to quickly change, as he does in verses 59-60? What can you do right now to head in the right direction? Are you eager to follow God’s commandments no matter what they require of you?
- Do you usually feel like the afflictions God gives you are good for you? Sometimes it’s easy after the fact to see how God is molding you, but do you typically pray for the affliction to go away? Maybe we should pray for God to use the affliction to draw us closer to Him more often.
Family Time:
- What did the Psalmist promise to do? (verse 57)
- “To keep your precepts with all my heart.” What does that mean to you?