Monday, November 18
Read Psalm 35-36
Think About It:
Psalm 35
- Do men need a valid reason to accuse you of wrong doing? Why or why not?
- David, who ran for his life from the King, said he would do some things if delivered from His enemy. What were they? (verses 9, 10, 18, 27, 28)
Psalm 36
“No one is exempt from some spice of atheism – ‘there is none that doeth good.’ We say we know God but in our actions we deny Him” (The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock).
- What is the fear of God? How does it help us to draw near to God?
Family Time:
- David was in deep distress… as God’s anointed king, he was forced to flee/run away from men who wanted to kill him. David called upon God for His justice, not David’s revenge. In 35:17, David asks God to rescue him and in verse 18, he promises to give thanks AND praise to God publicly. When you are feeling like everyone is against you and wants to hurt you, or says untruthful (lies) about you, remember to call upon God to “rescue” you, then give Him thanks and praise to those around you (publicly). Do not try to get your revenge yourself!
- Read verses 35:22-24 again. What does David ask of God? What does he want his evil-doers, the men who are trying to kill him, to know? (verse 27) This is a great attitude for us to have as well for those times when we are feeling attacked unjustly. Is this your attitude during these kinds of times?
- In Psalms 36: 1-4, David lists some behaviors of the wicked. Describe 2 of these behaviors.
- In verses 5 through 9, David lists truths about God. Tell which truth speaks to you and your situation and why.