Thursday, November 7
Read Psalm 22
Think About It:
David starts out expressing to God how he feels alone, but quickly turns to declaring God’s faithfulness and remembering how God rescued his ancestors. God is pleased when we share our heart with Him openly and honestly, but we also need to remember the consistency of God’s character throughout scripture and remember His faithfulness to us. God does not change. God will come through, even when it seems that He is far off. Trust Him and never doubt His ability or His love for you. Verse 18 is a prophetic Word about Jesus on the Cross, indicating even He felt alone at Calvary, but trusted God to carry out His plan for the redemption of mankind. The end of this Psalm invites us to praise God, honor Him and revere Him, because of Who He is, what He has done and what He is going to do!
Spend a few minutes sharing with God your deepest needs and desire to see Him move in areas that seem impossible. Then follow that with a few minutes expressing His faithfulness and remembering answers to prayer in the past. End your prayer time with a few minutes praising Him for Who He is and what He is about to do in your circumstances! Without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Stir up the faith within you and see beyond this moment into the victory He has already won for you. The battle is the LORD’s.
Family Time:
- In the beginning of this Psalm, David is feeling hopeless. Read verses 1-18. What are some of the things David says that show his hopelessness?
- David does something in verses 19-21 that turns his hopelessness into praise. What does he do?
- God does something in response to David in verse 21. What was it?
- Now David is filled with praise. Read through David’s words of praise in verses 22-31. Always remember how easy it is to go to God in prayer – no matter what is happening. Trust Him and allow Him to turn your hopelessness into praise.