Saturday, September 28
Read Job 22
Think About It:
What should have been an encouraging discussion among friends had become an angry and painful debate. Instead of trying to calm things down, Eliphaz assumed the office of prosecuting attorney and turned the debate into a trial. It was three against one and Job sat on the ash heap and listened to his friends lie about him. According to the Jewish Talmud, “The slanderous tongue kills three: the slandered, the slanderer and him who listens to the slander.” There were three false accusations: Job is a sinner (Job 22:1-11), Job is hiding his sin (Job 22:12-20), and Job must repent of his sins (Job 22:21-30).
Delivery was awful, but Eliphaz’s comments have truths! A sinner must put away sin (verse 23), make God his greatest treasure (verse 25), and pray and seek God’s face (verse 27). Then what does God promise? God will restore them (verse 23), make Himself precious to him (verse 25), and their delight will be in Him and not earthly wealth or pleasure (verse 26). God will answer their prayers and enable them to do His will (verse 27) as He gives direction and light (verses 28-30).
- Sometimes we have awful delivery too. Are there people in your life that the Lord is bringing to mind that took what you said the wrong way because you were harsh with them – even though you had good intentions? Go to them and make it right. It is not too late.
Family Time:
- Eliphaz accuses Job of being wicked. He also begs Job to return to God. Words can be powerful. How do you think these words made Job, a righteous man, feel?
- Did these words help Job?
- What kind of words do you use when speaking with or about someone?