Monday, August 12
Read Nehemiah 1
Think About It:
- Nehemiah was upset when news of the state of Judah came to him. Nehemiah did what most of us do when we’re upset. He sat down and wept and mourned for days, but he was fasting and praying (verse 4). Do we stop at the first part (weeping and mourning) or do we push through with fasting and prayer? Remember God’s promises!
- Reread Nehemiah’s confession for the people in verses 5-11. Listen to hear God speak to you about His covenant, mercy, confession of sins, returning to Him, redemption, His power and His strong hand.
Family Time:
- Nehemiah, a Jewish cup bearer to the king, questioned some of the men from Judah about the Jewish remnant (a small group) who survived the exile and the condition of Jerusalem. What did Nehemiah learn? (verse 3)
- The Bible says Nehemiah sat down, wept, mourned, fasted and prayed before God after hearing the terrible news of the exiles and the city. Tell details of Nehemiah’s prayer. (verses 5-11)