Thursday, July 4
Read 2 Chronicles 13
Think About It:
- How many examples can you think of where God uses a much smaller army to defeat a larger army? List some examples.
- What was Jeroboam and Israel doing that caused God to fight against them?
Family Time:
- Abijah lived in a difficult time. His own father had not fully followed the ways of the LORD, and the other reigning king had made other gods and changed the laws of God to fit what he wanted. Now this wicked king was in battle against the righteous king, and his numbers doubled the amount that Abijah had. But Abijah had set his heart and eyes on the LORD, and he looked to Him and boldly spoke of who God was and what He would do for His people who were following Him. He put His trust in God and chose to honor His ways.
- We live in a time similar to this. People have chosen to walk away from the ways of God and His laws, they make up their own and do whatever they want to do. They try to change God’s word, they make idols of themselves and the things in this world, and worship them. True believers will choose to make God their king and to serve under Him. They will put their trust in Him. In verse 18, what reason does it give for the victory of Abijah?
- Do you rely on and serve the true God, or the god of this world? Abijah had victory because he stood on who God was. Jeroboam did not recover strength, and the LORD struck him, and he died. Following the ways of the LORD leads to victory and life. Following the ways of self and the world (and Satan, who is the god of this age), will lead to defeat and death. Which one will you choose?