Tuesday, January 29
Read Judges 2
Think About It:
- The Lord was not happy with the children of Israel for their disobedience. Because of their disobedience, there were consequences. What is the importance of consequences when disobedience occurs? What may happen if there are no consequences to disobedience?
- Joshua and his generation died. The new generation did not follow after God and so the cycle starts. What could be the reason for this falling away? This has been an epidemic since the beginning, what can we as Christians do to stop this cycle in future generations?
Family Time:
- Who told the Israelites that they were being punished for disobeying God?
- After Joshua and the elders died, who didn’t the next generation know?
- What did the Israelites do to provoke the Lord to anger?
- What did the Lord do to show his anger with the Israelites?
- Who did the Lord raise up to help the Israelites?