Tuesday, September 11
Read Genesis 2
Think About It:
- This chapter is a summary of the previous 6 days and the beginning of the earth’s perfect state and habitation. After all that creating and making, why did God rest on the 7th day? Was He just tired?
- Adam was made from the dust of the ground and God breathed life into him. God gave Adam a job. How was woman made? Why the name “woman?” Why was she made?
- What was man and woman’s role in God’s new creation?
Family Time:
- How did man become a “living being?”
- God created a perfect place in which to place the man and woman He created, the Garden of Eden. Describe what you think the Garden of Eden looked like.
- What did God tell Adam TO DO in the Garden of Eden?
- What did God tell Adam NOT TO DO in the Garden of Eden?
FACTOID: Adam’s name comes from the Hebrew word “a da ma,” which means “the ground.” When God made Adam, He used many of the earth’s elements, including hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen make water and water makes up more than half of your body weight.