Tuesday, October 12
Read Revelation 6
Think About It:
- The first four seals in this chapter are described by different colored horses and different riders, all of them bringing evil upon the earth. What are the four kinds of evil they are bringing?
- What is seen when the fifth seal is opened? Why are these people asked to wait and “rest a little while longer?”
- What happens when the sixth seal is opened?
Family Time:
- As each of these seals on the scroll are opened by Jesus as the Lamb of God, several series of events are unleased. How do each of these events help bring about God’s Kingdom on Earth? Why would these events be needed to set things right?
- Do the horrible events described in the opening of the first six seals cause the people to repent? (verse 16)
- Whose wrath is described in this chapter? The wrath of the _________.
- Again, even though they acknowledge whose wrath it is, what is the people’s response?
- If you find this chapter filling you with fear and worry, stop and pray about it. Also, read 1 Thessalonians 5:9, (or 5:1-10). You will find comfort knowing that God has a way out and has not appointed us for His wrath. So, put on your breast plate of faith and love and the hope of salvation as your helmet. Now compare this “armor” from 1 Thessalonians 5:8 with 1 Corinthians 13:13. These three are to abide forever (faith, hope, and love!) “The most excellent way” that Paul describes.