Saturday, August 28
Read Hebrews 2
Think About It:
Admonition: Heed the Word of God and don’t drift. (verses 1-4)
This is the first of five admonitions found in Hebrews. Their purpose is to encourage all readers to pay attention to God’s Word and obey it. These admonitions become stronger and as we increase through the book, from drifting from God’s Word to defying God’s Word (Hebrews 12:14-29). We also noted that God does not sit idly by and permit His children to rebel against Him. He will continue to speak and, when necessary, He chastens His own.
- Why Jesus Christ is not inferior because of His humanity (verses 5-18).
- His humanity enabled Him to regain man’s loss of dominion (verses 5-9).
- His humanity enabled Him to bring many sons to Glory (verses 10-13).
- His humanity enabled Him to disarm Satan and deliver us from death (verses 14-16).
- His humanity enabled Him to be an empathetic high priest to His people (verses 17-18).
You cannot help but be amazed at the grace and wisdom of God. From a human point of view, it would seem foolish for God to become man, yet it was this very act of grace that made possible our salvation and all that goes with it. When Jesus Christ became man, He did not become inferior to the angels, for in His human body He accomplished something the angels could never accomplish. At the same time, He made it possible for us to share in His Glory!
Family Time:
- Do you take seriously the teaching of Jesus and your relationship with Him or do you think some other “method” is needed to keep you from drifting?
- Do you think a visiting angel would keep you on track? What about watching someone be healed or risen from the dead? Maybe you think experiencing God’s judgment or watching others experience His judgment will do the trick? The truth is, while those things are impactful, many individuals and people groups throughout history have experienced those things, but if they lacked relationship with the Lord, they ALWAYS drifted back to a sinful life.
- While we should have a holy reverence for the fact that God will deliver “justice” – IT WILL ALWAYS BE THE GOODNESS OF GOD THAT LEADS US TO REPENTANCE! (See Romans 2:4.)
- Take time to walk with Him today. Get to know HIS CONSTITUTION! – see the Sermon on the mount.
- Compare verses 5-9 with the promise of Luke 14:11. Jesus humbled Himself far below any other being in God’s universe had ever lowered themselves. Therefore, He is exalted far above all others!!! EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO AND UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS CHRIST!!! HE ALONE IS WORTHY!!!
- It was through the obedience, humility, and sinlessness of Jesus that Satan was defeated.
- What do you think it means to be an overcomer?
- According to verses 14-18, why did Jesus have to come?
- Take time to THANK JESUS for what He has done. Speak your thanksgiving out loud.