Wednesday, August 25
Read Titus 3
Think About It:
- Verses 1-3 provides character qualities that we should have with those in leadership and in general. Why? (verses 3-7) Have you struggled with this in any way?
- Verses 9-11 says, “avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless.” Can you give present examples of this? What do you do when you are confronted with disputes about the law or government?
Family Time:
- Read and pray about verses 1 and 2. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? Verses 1 and 2 in The Passion Translation read as this: “Remind people to respect their governmental leaders on every level as law-abiding citizens and to be ready to fulfill their civic duty. 2 And remind themto never tear down anyone with their words or quarrel, but instead be considerate, humble, and courteous to everyone.”
- Is it okay to “tear down” any of our leaders just because we might disagree with their politics or values? What should we do instead? [Answer: Bless them, pray for them, and humbly ask God to show us if we too have any wrong thinking.]
- Sing verses 4-7 aloud. Set it to different tunes. Take time to meditate on the love, faithfulness, mercy, compassion, and truth of Jesus. Think of each of these virtues. Name each time you saw the Lord in each of these ways.
- According to verse 9, what should we take care to avoid? If you like to argue, always be right, or always have the last word, ask the Lord to help you.
- According to The Bible Project author’s interpretation of this passage, “Spirit-empowered faithfulness to Jesus will declare God’s grace to the world.” They also make this statement, “Christians should be ideal citizens.” Are today’s Christian’s doing these things? Are you?