Wednesday, August 4
Read I Thessalonians 3
Think About It:
- Why is it important to encourage each other as true Christians?
- How were the Thessalonians holding up during the persecution?
- In verse 12, does it seem strange that Paul would pray for love between them when they had persecution happening?
Family Time:
- Paul knew by personal experience that Christians would suffer from persecutions, trials and other troubles coming from the works of the “tempter” – the Devil. Two things can happen as a result:
- We can run closer to God, drawing on His strength to see us through or
- we can turn away from God and give up altogether.
Which option makes more sense? Which option do you chose? Why is there NO other option?
- Just as Paul prayed for this new group of believers in Thessalonica, know yourselves that somewhere, someone is always praying for you! Also know, that as Christians, we need to pray for others to stay strong in their faith no matter where they are or who they are. Today, pray for believers, both new and established, worldwide for encouragement, strengthening of faith, for needs to be met, etc. Then, pray for believers you personally know for those very same things. Finally, send, as Paul did, a letter or card to at least one person or family to encourage them in their faith.
- Pray verses 12 and 13 over each person in your family several times this week. Place a copy of these two verses in a prominent place—fridge, table, bathroom mirror—to remind you often. Note the changes that will take place in them and in you. Attached you will find a page you may use for this activity.
I Thessalonians 3: 12 & 13
May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and everyone else, just as ours does for you.
May He strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all His holy ones.