Thursday, May 6
Read Acts 19
Think About It:
- Paul obviously discerned a lack in these disciples lives or he wouldn’t have asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit in verses 1-7. These disciples were open and ready to understand and receive the full teaching of Jesus. Open our hearts, Lord, to all you have for us.
- Just as Paul equipped many to go out and spread the gospel, so we must too. We are responsible to equip ourselves and others so we can spread the gospel to our regions of the world.
- Spreading the gospel can affect the economy. People begin to obey God and businesses (in this case, the idol-making industry) will suffer. Think about this in our time. What businesses may be affected when revival happens?
Family Time:
- When Paul came to Ephesus, he found some disciples. What did Paul ask them? (verses 1-2)
- What did the disciples tell Paul?
- What did Paul do next?
- God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul. What did some people bring to Paul just to touch him to be made well?