Tuesday, May 4
Read Acts 17
Think About It:
- What was the reaction of the Greeks in Thessalonica? (verse 4)
- What was the reaction of the Jews? (verse 5)
- Of what did they accuse Paul and Silas? (verses 6-7)
- What was said about those in Berea? (verses 10-12)
- What did the Jews of Thessalonica do when they heard the word was preached in Berea? (verse 13)
- What was Paul’s reaction to the idolatry of Athens? (verse 16)
- In addition to the synagogue, where did Paul dispute daily? (verse 17)
- What does God now command for all people everywhere? (verse 30)
- Why did some of the Athenians mock (verses 31-32)?
- How should you determine whether to believe what you hear spoken? (verse 11)
Family Time:
- How do you evaluate sermons and teachings? The people in Berea opened the scriptures for themselves and searched for truths to verify or disprove the message they heard. Always compare what you hear with what the Bible says. A preacher or teacher who gives God’s true message will never contradict anything that is found in the Bible.
- How far is God from us? (verse 27)
- Don’t hesitate to tell others about Christ, fearing that some will not believe you. Don’t expect a unanimous positive response to your witnessing. Even if only a few believe, it’s worth the effort. (verses 32-34)