Friday, April 16
Read Acts 2
Think About It:
- What does it mean in verse 1, “they were all with one accord”? Is this still necessary in the church today? Why?
- What evidence might have been seen by mockers to say that the disciples are “full of new wine” in verse 13? What really happened?
- Have you experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? If so, tell someone.
Family Time:
- Pentecost was a major Jewish feast, also called the Feast of Weeks, and was held 50 days after Passover. It was a festival of thanksgiving for the harvested crops. Do the math: Jesus was crucified at Passover; He spent 40 days with His disciples (followers) before He ascended to heaven; and the disciples waited 10 days in Jerusalem, just as Jesus instructed. How many days was that altogether?
- When the day of Pentecost came, the disciples were altogether in one place. A supernatural event happened there!
- Fill in the blanks: A violent ___________ and tongues of _______________ that separated and __________ on each of them, ALL were filled with the _________ _________ and began to ____________ in other __________________, as the Holy Spirit enabled them. Can you imagine such an exciting event?
- What two reactions did the crowds have when seeing and hearing the disciples speaking in various tongues (languages)?
- Peter responds to those reactions with a message: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you. Listen carefully…” Retell in your own words what Peter told the people there about the disciples’ behavior and about Jesus.
- How many new believers were added that day? (verse 41)
- How did lives and behaviors change after accepting Peter’s message? (verses 41-47)