Saturday, April 3
Read John 12
Think About It:
- Here we see Jesus visiting with His friend Lazarus once again. And again, Martha is serving, and Mary is at Jesus’ feet, worshiping Him by anointing His feet. (Martha has learned not to bring up the fact that she is the only one serving.) They all understand the significance of this time in Jesus’ life, it seems. But Jesus’ disciple, Judas, does not (verse 5). What are the gifts you tend to be most comfortable performing? Have you asked God how you can use the gifts He has given you for His glory?
- Verse 43 says, “they loved the praise of men more than the glory of God.” We should talk to God about this verse and spend some time looking at our hearts to make sure we do not do things for the praise of people around us. Our motive should always be only to please God. Take some time to consider your own heart and what motivates you and talk to God about that.
Family Time:
- The time is getting short. It was just six days before Passover when Jesus returns to Mary, Martha and Lazarus for a dinner given in His honor. What does Mary do for Jesus? (verse 4)
- The next day, Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey. What does the crowd say and do as He passed by? (verse 13)
- The plan of salvation was close to becoming a reality. Jesus explains why He must die using a story about a kernel of wheat. What happens when the kernel of wheat falls to the ground? (verses 23-24)
- In verses 44-50, Jesus again explains His purpose, His message of coming into the world as the Light. Read once more these verses and thank Him for coming, for His great love for you and all people.