Saturday, March 6
Read Luke 12
Think About It:
- This chapter begins with Jesus warning His disciples to beware of hypocrisy, which the Pharisees were guilty of; pretending to be close to God, but their hearts were far from a true knowledge of God. If we focus on our relationship with God, the rest of this chapter shows that we have nothing to worry about. Verse 7 confirms how valuable you are to God; therefore, you don’t have to fear anyone. Verse 12 says you never have to worry about what to say because His Holy Spirit will teach you at the right time exactly what to say – so keep your ear tuned to His Spirit. The parable in verses 16-21 tells us to be rich toward God instead of storing up things for yourself. Verses 22-31 tells us (again) not to worry! If we seek His kingdom, all the things that everybody else on earth is worried about will be given to you. It’s all about where our focus is – do we trust God for things we need, or do we go into debt trying to acquire everything we think we need?
- Verse 32 tells us not to be afraid. Ignore CNN and focus on storing up treasures in heaven. “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Maintain continual communication with your Heavenly Father and you have nothing to worry about, ever. We can always get closer to God. Every day, apply scripture and spend more time with Him. As we draw closer to Him, He promises to draw closer to us. And as we seek first His Kingdom, He promises to give us everything we need. When is the last time you told God you trust Him? Think about areas in your life you need to tell Him you are trusting Him. (Hint: any area where there seems to be lack in your life.) And do not ever worry. Just pray – talk to God about it!
Family Time:
- What is hypocrisy? Why are we to beware of it?
- Who will the Son of Man confess before the angels of God if we confess Jesus before men?
- What is the reward of the faithful servant who is watching and waiting? What are two things that show they are faithful?
- What is an adversary? What does God say about how we judge ourselves in situations where we are “in a fight” with someone? What should we try to do?