Thursday, February 11
Read Mark 8
Think About It:
- Jesus had compassion on the people because they were hungry. Jesus cares about our everyday needs. Nothing is too small to take to Him. He cares about all your needs.
- In verse 15, Jesus warns them of the leaven or yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod. As a small amount of yeast affects the entire loaf of bread, so does wrong teaching by one or a few affects many. What do you see happening in today’s world that illustrates this?
Family Time:
- In chapter 6, Jesus performed the miracle of feeding 5,000 people, mostly Jews, with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. In this chapter, He performs the same kind of miracle, feeding 4,000 people who were mostly Gentiles, or non-Jews. Which of the following statements are true about Jesus?
- Jesus sees and cares about our daily needs, such as food.
- Jesus cares for ALL people, Jews and Gentiles alike.
- There is nothing too big for God to handle and no need too small that He does not see it.
- As Jesus and the disciples were on their way, He asked them, “Who do people say I am?” What was their response? (verse 28) Then He asked, “Who do YOU say I am?” What was the response this time? Which disciple answered Jesus? (verse 29)
- In this chapter, Jesus begins to reveal to His disciples the events that would lead to His death: the suffering and rejection. What did He say would happen three days AFTER His death? What does this mean for followers of Jesus?