Saturday, February 6
Read Mark 4
Think About It:
- Mark 4:1 is a picture of a perfect natural amphitheater: Jesus speaks to a multitude from a boat in the water and His voice carries as sound waves reflect off the lake’s surface and naturally rise at shore as the temperature over the ground is warmer than over the water, causing His voice to rise up the hill so the people hear clearly. (That’s a free one.)
- The parable of the sower teaches us to be mindful of the condition of our heart. Prayer is for our own good, not because God needs to know what to do next. As we pray, we speak what is on our heart and as we reflect on our heart, we often realize areas that need to be plowed up (softened) to be good soil so that seed will take root in it for a bountiful harvest. Our hearts become hardened when we think we know everything already, or when we resist correction or take offense at what others say or do. The seed is the Word of God/Bible that we need to apply to our lives every day to be fruitful. Spend time each day considering the condition of your heart as you lift prayers to the LORD. Many distractions can prevent the Word from taking root, but we are each responsible to guard our own heart, protecting what we hear and allowing growth in the grace and knowledge of God. This is another reason prayer is so important before we read the Bible and before each church service, examining our hearts and asking God to open our eyes to what He is showing us as we read or hear His Word. God has a specific Word for us for each season.
Family Time:
- Parents, this is a fun one for the kids to illustrate (verses 3-8)! Draw pictures of the four different areas where seeds were planted, then read verses 13-20, discussing what it really represents. When the pictures are done, let them take turns explaining what each thing represents. This will really help solidify these truths in their minds as well.
- Take a look at your life. Which “ground” are you?