Wednesday, February 3
Read Mark 1
Think About It:
Mark was writing to the Romans. He had been under the teaching of Peter. Mark saw Jesus as the Servant of God. He uses action words like immediately and as soon as. Mark is the only one to say Jesus was a carpenter. There is no, “It is finished!” in Mark’s gospel. The summary of this book is found in chapter 10, verse 45.
- Verse 2 introduces John the Baptist. He is in the wilderness preaching and baptizing. Jesus has been preparing for 30 years for His baptism. He receives the Holy Spirit and power to overcome 40 days of temptation by Satan. We get impatient waiting for things to happen. How would you like to prepare/wait 30 years for 3 years of service?
- Sometime after this, John was put into prison. Did John have to be in prison before Jesus could begin His ministry? Why or why not? (John did have many followers.)
- Jesus’ apostles were busy men and their response to His call was immediate. Is there lost time between our being called and our coming?
- Look for Jesus’ miracle power at work in this chapter. In verse 35, what do we find Him doing?
- In verse 45, Jesus told the leper to keep silent. What was the result of the leper’s proclamation? Does Jesus have to tell us to be silent?
Family Time:
- What did John preach? (verse 4) Talk about what repentance is and about what the remission of sins is.
- Repentance: a change of mind, as it appears to one who repents, of a purpose he has formed or of something he has done
- Remission: release from bondage or imprisonment / forgiveness or pardon of sins (letting them go as if they had never been committed), remission of the penalty
- What did Jesus preach? (verses 14-15) “At hand” meant that it was nearby. What does the word “gospel” mean?
What did Jesus say to Simon and Andrew? (verse 17) How did they respond? When? (verse 18)