Friday, January 29
Read Matthew 25
Think About It:
- In verse 14, what can these talents be compared to in our lives that our Heavenly Father gives to us (i.e., money, spiritual gifts, etc.)?
- How are you using all your gifts to glorify the Father?
Family Time:
- In verses 1-13, a story is told about some ladies waiting for their bridegroom. Some were ready when he came, some were not and missed out. The advice in verse 13 isn’t just for the people in the story. It’s for all of us. What do you think it means when it says ‘watch’? Does it mean just with our eyes? What else could it mean? How can you ‘watch’?
- A talent was a weight. Like you are so many pounds. Gold was so many talents. Are verses 14-30 talking about money/gold? Does it mean whoever has more money/gold will get more? It actually means the grace of God. The more you have it, the more blessings and joy you receive. You can’t exactly go out and get more grace. You become more gracious (having lots of grace) by going out and treating others with kindness and love. How can you become more gracious? When do you struggle with showing grace?