Wednesday, December 16
Read Haggai 2
Think About It:
- What three clear commands did God give the leaders and people of Israel? (verses 4-5)
- “Since their exile to Babylon, the people of Israel focused on getting back to the Promised Land. In and of itself this was not a bad focus; yet it led to the thinking that once they made it back to the Promised Land everything else would be good. Haggai reminded them that their presence in the Promised Land doesn’t make everything they do holy. If the priorities of our heart are wrong, nothing we do is really holy to God” (David Guzik). (verses 10-14)
- Interesting Fact: Zerubbabel was truly chosen of God. In the ancestry of Jesus, Zerubbabel was the last person to stand to be in both the line of Mary (the blood lineage of Jesus – Luke 3:27) and Joseph (the legal lineage of Jesus through Joseph – Matthew 1:12).
Family Time:
- What is the most important part of the temple? (verses 1-9) Yes, you are right, “God’s Presence.”
- God wanted the temple to be rebuilt and He had the gold and silver to do it, but He needed willing hands. God has chosen to do His work through people. He provides the resources, but willing hands must do the work. Are your hands available for God’s work in this world? (verses 8-9)