Friday, October 23
Read Daniel 9
Think About It:
- Even Daniel was reading God’s word way back then. What effect did it have on him? How does reading God’s word affect you?
- In Daniel’s prayer, he recognizes 12 sins of Israel. Can you find some? How do they relate to you?
- Daniel speaks of God with human features. What are they? See the picture of God with face shining, His ears hearing and eyes open.
- He asks that his prayer be heard. How did he know it was? (verses 21-23) How would you like to have a prayer answered by a message from an angel?
- What six things are the 70 weeks to accomplish? (verse 24)
- There is much interesting commentary on the meaning of 70 weeks. Do a search on the Internet and read some insightful comments.
Family Time:
- Where did Daniel’s wisdom come from?
- What sin had Israel committed?
- How did Jesus reconcile us to the Father?