Tuesday, May 19
Read Isaiah 41
Think About It:
God is greater than our fears! Seven times the LORD says, “Fear not!”, and He says, “Fear not!” to us today. As the Jewish remnant face the challenges of the long journey home and the difficult task of rebuilding, they can think of many causes for fear. But there was one big reason not to be afraid: the LORD was with them and would give them success.
God would seek to calm their fears by assuring them that He is going before them and working on their behalf. The LORD explains a wonderful truth: He has three servants in his employ who will accomplish his will: Cyrus, king of Persia (41: 1-7); the nation of Israel (verses 8-29; 43:1 & 44:27) and the Messiah (42:1-25).
The end of this chapter is fantastic. God challenged the idols of the nations to prove they were really gods. Did any of their predictions come true? What have they predicted about the future?
Family Time:
- In verse 13 God tells us not to fear. He will help you. Have you realized all the ways God has helped you? Make a list.