Overview of the Book of Isaiah Part 2
Monday, May 18
Read Isaiah 40
Think About It:
- This chapter begins the second part of Isaiah…God promising to restore Jerusalem—Eternal Restoration. Only God could provide an adequate sacrifice. Who prepared the way? (Matthew 3:1-3)
- The Lord has no equal. Beginning at verse 12, look for and list the reasons why.
- At the end, what does the Lord give to those who trust in Him?
Family Time:
Memory Verse: Isaiah 41:10
- Where does our comfort come from? When we have bad days (like we all do at times), ask God to comfort you as you face them.
- We are like the grass and flowers that wither and fall away, but what stands forever? (verses 6-8)
- Verse 11 talks about God’s gentleness. Gentleness helps us make a point without making an enemy. Let your gentleness be evident to all.