Tuesday, March 31
Read Ecclesiastes 9
Think About It:
- When events happen on earth, good or bad, we all (believers and non-believers) share in them. Natural disasters, a gentle rain or sunshine, we all receive the results. How should we live knowing this?
- While living here on this earth we can choose good. (verses 9-10)
- “Wisdom is better than strength.” (verses 16-18) Do you choose wisdom?
Family Time:
- Read Ecclesiastes in whatever translation makes the most sense to you. The Message translation is excellent for difficult passages.
- As the “teacher / Quester” in chapter 9 points out, if we are measuring fairness from our earthly perspective, we won’t see it. We must have a heavenly perspective as 1 Corinthians 15:19 indicates. [If our hope in Christ is for this life alone, we are to be pitied more than all men.]
- Consider this teacher’s advice:
- If you are alive – there is hope.
- Live a joyful life being grateful for what you have.
- Know that someday you will pass from this life—it makes having a heavenly perspective of your time spent here the most important of all.
- Seek Godly wisdom as you live out your life here on earth.