Saturday, March 14
Read Proverbs 26
Think About It:
A buddy of mine loved to quote Mark Twain. “It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” I really laughed at that. Because the joke was that Twain put the secular spin on the words of King Solomon. Treasures lie in Chapter 26, the fools are the opposite of the wise. Theologians tell us that God’s wisdom refers to His ability to devise perfect means to attain a perfect end. Nobody has to teach God anything. “For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor?” (Romans 11:34; Isaiah 40:13; Jeremiah 23:18).
Seek wisdom, avoid foolishness. Pray for Wisdom. The Lord will give it to you.
Family Time:
- To what is giving honor to a fool compared? (verse 1)
- To what is a fool who returns to his folly compared? (verse 11)