Monday, March 2
Read Proverbs 15
Think About It:
- This proverb is full of truths in dealing with people and the use of words. Which verses have you found truth through experience?
- Pick one of the truths listed in this chapter and put it into practice (e.g., a gentle answer turns away wrath; a wise man is hungry for truth; a cool-tempered man tries to stop fights; a good man thinks before he speaks).
Family Time:
Memory Verse: Proverbs 17:22
This Proverb has a lot of good sayings. There are two themes, or ideas, that are repeated.
- The first one is what comes out of the mouth. Can you go back through and find the verses that deal with the mouth – words, what we say. Think about these. Discuss them. (verses 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 23, 26, 28)
- The second theme is discipline or correction. It doesn’t always feel good to be corrected. None of us are perfect and we will all experience times we need to be corrected. Sometimes it is easy to get mad at the person who is correcting us – even if we know we were wrong. Read through the verses on this topic. Why should you be thankful for discipline or correction? How should you react? How are you doing now? Do you behave like a fool or like the wise? (verses 5, 10, 12, 31, 32)