Tuesday, February 11
Read Psalm 144-145
Think About It:
- Do you share with the Lord what He means to you? While He already knows, how much more meaningful is it to hear a child (whether yours or someone else’s) tell you what you mean to them? Share with the Lord how much He means to you.
- In Psalm 145:8-10, David gives illustrations of God’s grace and mercy. Make a list of examples of God’s grace and mercy in your life.
Family Time:
Psalm 144
- The relationship God and David had grew through their experiences together. List the ways David tells us who God is in his life. (verse 2) Make a list of who God is in YOUR life.
- David recognizes who he himself is (small) and who God is (Supreme) in verses 3-4. Praise God for caring about “man”… that is you and me!
- Draw a picture of what you think verses 6-8 might look like.
Psalm 145
- When should we praise God? (verse 1) How long should we praise God? (verse 2)
- David’s life lessons taught him many of the wonderful characteristics of God. (verses 3-20) Which of these characteristics have you found to be true in your life? Explain to someone in your home. When you have finished your explanations, you can say as David did, “My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.” (verse 21)