Thursday, January 30
Read Psalm 122-124
Think About It:
- Psalm 122 – We read a unique cultural difference between Israel and America today – the pride and joy in the city of Jerusalem, as it represented God’s Presence to the people in that day. Walking into Jerusalem made the people rejoice because it was like stepping into the Presence of God, the Kingdom of Heaven. And we should experience that when we step into church, although God’s presence is always with us. As His congregation, representing the Bride of Christ as His Church, we should rejoice as we gather together, anticipating that Day when we are gathered into His Presence in Heaven. Put yourself in Psalm 122 and imagine feeling what the Psalmist felt as he describes in detail and imagine that being how we feel walking into church as a believer. Verses 6-9 represent intercessory prayer – the prayer for our friends and church family. Intercede for those who come to mind as you listen for God’s Spirit… pray for completeness, health, justice, prosperity and protection for those He brings to mind.
Is going to church more like a chore or a delight to you? Why? Our attitude toward God determines our view of worship. Talk to God about that and resolve to make it a delight!
- Psalm 123 focuses on keeping our eyes on God in heaven, anticipating His mercy and waiting for Him as we lift up our prayers for situations we see around us.
- Psalm 124 can be prayed as a praise to God for delivering us from insurmountable problems. Nothing is too difficult for Him. Give Him thanks for previous situations He has helped you through and praise Him in advance for those things you are trusting Him to do now.
Family Time:
- Psalm 122 ends in a prayer for Jerusalem. In verses 6-9, what is the prayer for?
- Psalm 123 reminds us to look to God, especially when people are treating us with contempt – acting like we are not as good as they are. Has someone ever treated you like this? Have YOU ever treated someone like this?
- In Psalm 124, the psalmist remembers what God has done in the past and what could have happened if He wasn’t there. Take turns sharing your favorite memory of what God has done for you and/or your family.