Thursday, December 19
Read Psalm 78
Think About It:
- In this scripture the Psalmist reminds Israel of their history, both good (how God rescued them and helped them) and bad (how they rebelled and disobeyed Him. Why did the Psalmist review their history?
- Should we review our history?
- When you remember what God has done for you in the past, does it increase your faith?
Family Time:
- PARENTS: Verses 1-8 shows exactly why we should be diligent in teaching our children. How are you doing?
- Did God’s people always treat God with honor and respect? Did they always appreciate what He did for them? How do you treat God, your parents or teachers?
- Did God give up on His people? Will God ever give up on you? Read carefully. God’s people did not go unpunished. It is important to remember that God will not give up on us if we do something wrong as long as we are sorry and repent (change), but there will be consequences.