Monday, December 2
Read Psalm 53-54
Think About It:
- Does Psalm 53 sound familiar? It’s a near image of Psalm 14. When God repeats something, it’s for emphasis.
- In Psalm 53, who are the fools? And what do they say? Do they hide behind this or use it as an excuse to do what they want? The word fool is a very strong word in scripture meaning stupid, wicked and vile. See Proverbs 1:7 and Proverbs 15:5.
- What did David ask God to do in verses 1 and 2 of Chapter 54? Do you ask the same of God when you are under attack?
- How did he react to the answer (verse 6)? Do you remember to do the same?
Family Time:
- Compare Psalm 53:2-3 with Romans 3:10-12. Then compare Psalm 53:6 with Romans 3:23-26.
- In Psalm 54, re-read verse 6. What do you think it means to “freely sacrifice” to God?
- Does David praise God because God prevents trouble in David’s life?
- Like David, are you able to declare the truth about God even when people betray you?