Saturday, September 14
Read Job 10
Think About It:
- Have you ever felt like nothing seemed to be going right? Like everyone, even God, was against you? How did you respond? Did you complain to friends and family? Become bitter? Or did you do as you should, as Job did, and go right to God?
- Are you consistent about going to God immediately with any issues or struggles that you’re having? Or do you go to others first? Think about how you can change your pattern of behavior.
Family Time:
- In Chapter 10, Job knows that he cannot stand against God. That truly he is at God’s mercy. Job knows that he was lovingly created, yet in the next breath feels that God is out to get him. Perhaps it does us all good for one time in our life to be in a place where we have to realize that God is God and truly, we are at his mercy. God was there all along, working good out of all the tragic events that Satan had brought upon Job.
- Can you think of an event in your life that has truly brought you to the realization that God is completely in control? Do you allow yourself to learn in that situation or do you fight God?
- “And we know in all things God works for the Good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28