Thursday, September 12
Read Job 8
Think About It:
- Job 8 records Bildad, Job’s friend, trying to be helpful, but in ignorance of the big picture, acting instead as an agent of the enemy and being an “accuser of the brethren” (name for Satan in Rev. 12:10). We cannot see into a person’s heart and often, as Proverbs 10:19 says, “when words are plentiful, sin is unavoidable.” Bildad tries to give Job advice on how to eliminate his suffering but he doesn’t seek God’s heart first. These friends we hear communicating with Job are using human understanding, relying on natural thinking (led by sight instead of faith). We must always seek God before giving advice to others, and if God doesn’t reveal how to advise others, it is best not to say anything.
- Think of a time when you were misunderstood. Often the words shared in the natural are more harmful than if nothing at all had been said. Proverbs 25:11 says, “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken at the right time.” Proverbs 15:23 says, “Everyone enjoys giving great advice, but how delightful it is to say the right thing at the right time!” We cannot know the right thing to say without wisdom and the fear of God is how we gain wisdom to know what to say (Proverbs 9:10 says, “The starting point for acquiring wisdom is to be consumed with awe as you worship Jehovah-God. To receive the revelation of the Holy One, you must come to the One who has living-understanding.”). Ask God to give you wisdom and search His Word (the Bible) until you hear from Him before leaning on your own understanding to speak to others. Being Spirit led instead of driven by emotion is the way Jesus demonstrated for us.
Family Time:
- Verses 5 and 6 must make Job want to quit. Another “counselor” believes his son’s “got what they had coming” and IF Job would only seek God, or IF he was pure and upright, God would answer him.
- Have you ever spread rumors because you heard “truth” about someone’s situation when ultimately that truth was in error?