Tuesday, September 10
Read Job 6
Think About It:
Job appealed to his three friends that they might show more understanding and sympathy. Only Eliphaz had spoken so far, but Job could tell that Bildad and Zophar agreed with him. Not one of his friends identified with what Job was going through physically and emotionally. They didn’t feel the heaviness of his suffering nor did they understand the bitterness of his suffering. Job tried to get them to feel the hopelessness of his situation. The child who defined sympathy as, “your pain in my heart,” knew more about giving comfort than these three did. Courageously, Job pointed out their ineffectiveness of their ministry to him. They were like a dry brook in the dessert that disappoints thirsty travelers. They were his “friends” as long as he was prosperous; but when trouble came, they turned against him.
- The Greek word anechomai, means “to sustain, bear or hold up against a thing,” such as a person would tie a stake to a tomato plant to sustain it from the weight it carries. The strength of the stake is transferred to the plant and thus “bears it up.” When the Lord commands us to bear with one another in Colossians 3: 13 and Ephesians 4:2, He isn’t simply saying, “Put up with one another.” Although He is telling us to do that, He is also saying, “Stake yourselves to one another.” In other words, we’re to come alongside a weak brother or sister who is “weighted down” and say, “You’re not going to fall and be broken or destroyed, because I’m staking myself to you. My strength is now yours. Go ahead, lean on me. As long as I can stand, you will.”
- Are there people in your life that you need to come along side who are in trouble and need your prayers?
Family Time:
- After Eliphaz’s very harsh words, the weight of Job’s trial becomes almost too much to bear. It is during this trial that Job almost begs his friends to have compassion and not an argumentative or scornful spirit. (See verses 24-30)
- The story of Job was written for a reason. What can we learn from Job’s plea to his friends? Do you need to be filled with more kindness or understanding and get rid of a judgmental spirit?