Monday, April 1
Read 2 Samuel 5
Think About It:
- David had to wait many years after Samuel privately anointed him to be king. Many times, the LORD has us wait to see His promises to us fulfilled, and as we trust Him, our character is refined and our hearts are transformed to become who God created us to be. Can you think of a time in your life that you had to wait to see God’s promises fulfilled in your life?
- The Jebusites felt secure in their fortress in Jerusalem (Zion), but anything other than God will prove to be a false sense of security. Only God knows what tomorrow brings and our relationship with Him is the only thing that cannot be taken from us. Think of some areas people feel independent and secure, but in the end can prove to be a snare of the enemy to think we do not need God.
- In verses 19-23, David inquired of the LORD. David knew that the LORD had established him as king and he also knew only the LORD could give him success in fighting his battles against the enemy. We read earlier that David was a friend and ally to the Philistines, but when they knew David was planning to unite all Israel, they tried to stop him. The enemy still fights against unity in the body of Christ, because he knows the power in unity. How can we individually work for unity in the Church and stop the enemy’s plans to imbed strife and offense in people we stand alongside serving God? Do you know any specific areas you can improve in your relationships to gain greater unity? Pray for anyone who comes to mind as you think about these examples.
Family Time:
- What did the elders of Israel do to David? (verse 3)
- How old was David when he became King of Judah? (verse 4)
- What city did David conquer and call the City of David? (verse 7)
- What did Hiram, King of Tyre, do for David? (verse 11)
- Who did David defeat twice? (verses 17-25)