Monday, February 11
Read Judges 16
Think About It:
One of the suggested meanings of “Delilah” is to weaken or impoverish. She certainly weakened and impoverished Samson. When Delilah began to probe for the secret of his strength, Samson should have been aware of his danger and like Joseph fled as fast as possible. But passion had gripped him, sin had anesthetized him, and he was unable to act rationally. Anybody could have told him that Delila was making a fool out of him, but Samson would have believed no one. Each of Samson’s lies involved Delilah using some kind of bond on him, but the Philistine should’ve known he could not be bound.
It was tragic that the servant of the Lord, raised in a godly home, was now a humiliated slave of the enemy. But even worse, the Philistines gave glory to their god Dagon for helping them capture their great enemy. Even though his eyes were gouged out, he could see what the Lord wanted him to do. His last prayer was to ask the Lord to give him enough strength to defeat more enemies in one moment than all the enemies he had ever conquered before.
- Are there things in your life that you are blind to?
- Ask the Lord to open your eyes and see some things that need to be torn down so you can start new with Jesus being the center of your life.
Family Time:
Memory Verses:
Psalm 71:20-21 – “You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, shall revive me again, and bring me up again from the depths of the earth. You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.”
- In Judges 13 the Angel of the Lord told Samson’s mom he was to be a Nazarite. No one asked Samson if that’s what he wanted to be. Has God called you to do or be something you didn’t choose? How about the responsibilities of being a big brother or sister? Or being an only child?
- Samson’s power was in his hair. When Samson was obedient to God’s plan for his life, what kind of things could he do? (Feats of great strength!)
- Samson was not always obedient. Are you? What happened to Samson when he did not take God’s call seriously? What might happen to you if you don’t take God’s call on your life seriously?
- We know that Samson’s hair grew back. His strength came back with it. What happened to him while his hair was still growing?
- Was stepping away from God’s will worth losing his eyes and being a slave? Will you be obedient to God’s will or will you lose your eyes and become a slave?