Wednesday, January 30
Read Judges 3
Think About It:
- This is a heartbreaking chapter! It’s all about choices and the consequences of those choices. (Re-read verse 4.) Since they cried out to the Lord for help, we can know the consequences were not good. Yet each generation never seemed to learn that a cry for help is not true repentance. Looking at your own life, have you decided to make a right choice and then drawn your own personal line that you will not cross?
- Israel has been told to destroy these pagan nations, but they had failed to follow through. God is always looking for people who will be obedient to His will. Where have you failed in your obedience?
Family Time:
- Why did the Lord leave some of the nations?
- What judge delivered Israel from Cushan-Rishathaim?
- What was physically different about Ehud?
- What was physically different about Eglon?
- How long did Israel have peace from the Moabites?
- What did Shamgar use to slay the Philistines?