Tuesday, December 4
Read Numbers 23
Think About It:
- Balaam was committed to obeying the voice of God to bless Israel. This chapter emphasizes the importance of speaking words in line with God’s will. Never let anyone bribe you to speak against God’s Word and never allow a change in perspective to alter your view of God. What problems have you tried to avoid by moving – either physically, mentally or emotionally? God does not change. His will does not change. We have to change to grow into who He created us to be – even if it’s painful for the moment.
- Balaam did the right thing by blessing Israel each time Balak tried to get him to curse them. Nobody can curse what God has blessed (vs. 8). Who can you bless by sharing God’s promises with them? God says in verse 9 that He sees those who have set themselves apart to live for Him. He notices when we take a stand for Him and He blesses as He promised (vs. 19-20).
- If you are living for God, according the bible, then you know you can receive the promises He gives us in His Word and pray for blessings in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Balak represents the enemy, Satan, in wanting to curse God’s people. Who do you know who accuses Christians of wrongdoing and wants them cursed? You can pray for God’s blessings upon Christians and know that nobody can curse what God has blessed. Jesus also asks us to bless those who curse us! Think of those and pray for them, too. God can change their hearts.
Family Time:
- How many different times did Balak ask Balaam to curse the Israelites?
- Did Balaam do what Balak asked? Why or why not?
- Is it more important to obey God or people? Why?
- Sometimes we try to please people and do what they want so that they will like us, even if it’s something God wouldn’t want us to do. Is there anything like this in your life?
- Share and pray about this as a family.