Overview of the Book of Leviticus <– Click here
Friday, November 9
Read Leviticus 16
Think About It:
- God places significant importance on our reverence for His presence (verses 1-2). Consider how we approach Him in prayer and in the sanctuary of the church. What could we do differently?
- What similarities do you see between the offering explained in verses 6-22 and what Jesus did for us on the cross at Calvary?
Family Time:
Read the 16th chapter of Leviticus. Work on the memory verse and then read and answer the questions as a family.
Memory Verse:
Older & Younger Children: Leviticus 16:34
The Day of Atonement was the greatest day of the year for Israel. To atone means “to cover” in the Hebrew language. The sacrifices did not forgive sins only covered them.
- How do we receive forgiveness for our sins?
Discuss how the blood that Christ shed for our sins on the cross not only covers our sins but removes them. Pray together as family and confess any sin that stands between you and God. Ask for the sacrifice of Christ to wash away your sins and make you new.